Product Features

WebEngine is included as part of a pre-packaged consulting engagement to help you get a basic content management system up and running. Our project manager will assist you in identifying requirements unique to your web environment so that the framework can be extended to specifically meet the needs of your organization. We will also ensure that there is effective knowledge transfer to your technical staff on how the WebEngine is built and used.

Following are some of the features of WebEngine as a Content management system.

Content Maintenance:

  •    Manually/automatically create/edit reusable content (text and images). demo
  •  All web site content is stored in a SQL database for maximum security and flexibility.
  •  Access web site content from any standard web browser interface.
  • Preview your web pages with the content without actually making the Pages available to your web site’s guests.
  • Port your web server from any platform to any supported platform.
  • CGI/Server side Execution (platform independent).
  • Build graphical (read: fancy fonts) versions of text stored in the database. demo
  • Custom graphics can be automatically generated to client specifications for repeatable dynamic content. demo
  •  Highly extensible backend system can be customized to meet client needs.
  • Special purpose menu items can be built for unique applications. (e.g. display a custom formatted page of data for hard-copy printout archiving.)

Approve and Publish:

  •  Provides maximum control over web site content.
  • Content changes must be approved and published before the web site is updated.
  • Allows an ‘editor’ to verify (Preview) changes before the world sees them on the web site.
  • Schedule approved modifications to propagate/publish to web site during off-peak hours.
  • Schedule addition/removal/modification of web pages without manual interaction.

Multiple Language Support:

  • Built in content mapping allows translators to translate the content.
  • Content updates in the ‘source’ language are flagged in all other languages for updating.
  • Supports notification to the proper WebEngine user when the source has changed which requires a change in the content they are responsible for.
  • Supports all the languages allowed by the web browser and database.
  • Support for on the fly download of fonts to the client browser if such fonts are not available.


  • Schedule custom scripts to execute on the server (e.g. backup of special data or data filtering).
  • Log user contact information to text file or database system for later use.
  • Setup Scheduled/unscheduled Email invitations/reminders to your registered site visitors.

User Control:

  • Control individual user access to specific content maintenance areas.
  • Control the user’s access to View, Update, Approve and Publish changes to the website.
  • Limit user’s views of the content maintenance system backend.
  • Assign a user to a group for simplified administration.
  • Allows assignment of separate Edit, View, Approve permissions on user/group basis.